Awesome news to report today. Let's start backwards. Turns out I scheduled my fingerprinting appointment using the WRONG directions that were sent to me in an email. I downloaded the wrong sheet, which for some reason was sent in the same email with the correct sheet. Bottom line, I got it wrong. Anyways, my appointment still went through the website and I was authorized for the processing...at a restaurant in a sleepy town about 50 miles from here. $20 in gas, 5 hours, and an OK meal of fried clams and shrimp I'm back home, without me being processed. I was told at the restaurant that there was a mistake and I could only be processed after all the drivers of the Oats Transportation Co. were taken care of, despite my appointment being for the first time slot available. After a couple hours of driving around a couple of crappy towns and looking for flea markets I returned to the restaurant. I approached the technician and was informed that I could not be helped because she was finished processing. I got pissed and started stating my case. She then told me that had I come back in time I couldn't be helped anyways because her boss had told her that she was not allowed to process me since I was not part of the Oats Co.
Fortunately for me, I have to have my fingerprints on record by Tuesday. Unfortunately, all appointments in town are booked for Monday. My only option, without appealing to the bureaucracy directly (which I will try to do Monday morning before my meeting), is to miss my first day of classroom observations and drive another hour and a half out of my way to another sleepy town where the appointments are not full. Yee-haw!
Oh yeah. Another interesting fiasco story. I went to our ed. offices to turn in my TB test results and establish my proof of professional liability insurance, which is obtained through a national teaching organization. I thought I was good to go since its a year long thing and I signed up in January. I should have until this January, right? That would cover me for this semester and I would renew in January. WRONG. The year long coverage is only for the school year. Despite me not even being covered for an entire school year by signing up in January, I still have to renew by August 31. BUT I have to have it by Tuesday for the university. I searched all over the NEA's website for my renewal link, but they don't provide one. They do however provide one on your specific state's site. It didn't work, so I called the office to try to renew in person since it was 3:30pm on Friday. I still had time! I was informed by the nice lady that the renewal couldn't be done until the renewal lady got back from vacation...which is Monday. WTF?! Seriously? I asked-no way could this be true. Surely there isn't some magical procedure that only one lady, who is on vacation, can handle?? Oh but wait! There was the state specific online site that can handle my renewal! Guess what...the website is down.
Am I crazy? Perhaps I should have taken care of this at the beginning of the month, but should it really be this difficult? Would it have turned out the same? Probably...I dunno. My brain hurts and I'm very anxious.
I'm getting a drink...
Currently Listening-Voices by Matchbook Romance
P.S. Oh yeah, I found a gas mask from WWII that is still sealed in the can. Pretty boss.
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