Vocab review: cover the "isms" of the time, militarism, nationalism, etc.
Guided reading worksheet: the kids read the book and answer questions on a worksheet...exciting.
Supplemental discussion/lecture: I cover some of the topics more fully than the text does. My topics for today-trench warfare and the alliance system. Its supposed to set up for the next activity.
Movie time!: All Quiet on the Western Front-the kids will also do a study sheet for the film. I hope they like it half as much as I did the book. This will take us up to the end of the hour. Funny/true story. My actual lesson plan that is graded will take 4 pages of writing...yay bureaucracy!
Currently Listening-Commit This to Memory by Motion City Soundtrack, also the rain from hurricane Gustav.
Currently Reading-my lesson plan outline.
Oh yeah, I'll add some pics I'll be using tomorrow...cool stuff!
Also, my initial meeting between me, my soup, and my CT is tomorrow. This is the "introductory meeting". Not quite sure what it will consist of. I think we basically just go over stuff that's in our handbook from the university, our "bible" so to speak. Let's hope I pay more attention to it...
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